
Towards a Utopia Bibliography

Allain, Mathé. France and North America Utopias and Utopians.

University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1978

Andrea, Johann Valentin. Christianopolis. Kessinger Publishing, 2006


Appelbaum, Robert. Literature and Utopian Politics in Seventeenth-Century England. Cambridge University Press, 2002

Armytage, W.H.G. Heavens Below: Utopian Experiments in England 1560-1960.

Routledge, 1961


Bacon, Francis. New Atlantis. Dodo books, 2006

Beecher, Jonathan. Charles Fourier: the visionary and his world

University of California Press. 1986


Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward 2008 - 1887. Dover Publications, 1996

Benhabib, Selya. Critique, Norm, and Utopia. Columbia University Press, 1986


Bernari, Marie Louise. Journey Through Utopia. Freedom Press, 1982

Bloch, Ernst. The Utopian Function of Art and Literature. MIT Press, 1988


Bradley Lane, Mary E. Mizora: A World of Women. University of Nebraska Press, 1999

Braunstein, Peter. Imagine Nation:The American Counterculture of the 1960s.
Routledge, 2001


Buber, Martin. Paths in Utopia. Martin Buber Library, 1996

Burwell, Jennifer. Notes on Nowhere: Feminism, Utopian Logic and Social Transformation. University of Minnesota Press, 1997


Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. Penguin Classics, 2006

Callenbach, Ernest. Ecotopia. Banyan Tree Books, 1975


Campanella, Tommaso. The City of the Sun. Forgotten Books, 2008

Carey, John. The Faber Book of Utopias. Faber and Faber, 2000


Coates, Chris. Utopia Britannica: British Utopian Experiments 1325 - 1945.
Diggers and Dreamers, 2001

Cohn, Norman. The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages. Oxford University Press, 1990


Darley, Gillian. Villages of Vision. Granada, 1978

Engels, Friedrich. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. International. 1935


Fairfield, Richard. The Modern Utopian: Alternative Communities of the 60s and 70s.

Process Media, 2010


Gordon, Alastair. Spaced Out: Radical Environments of the Psychedelic Sixties.
Rizzoli Books, 2008

Griffith, Mary. Three Hundred Years Hence. Gregg Press, 1975


Hardy, Dennis. Utopian England: Community Experiments 1900 - 1945.
E & FN Spon, 2000

Hertzler, Joyce Oramel. The History of Utopian Thought. Cooper Square. 1965


Huxley, Aldous. Island. Vintage books, 2008

Jacobs, Michael. The Good & Simple Life: Artists Colonies in Europe and America.
Phaidon, 1985


Jacoby, Russell. The End of Utopia: Politics and Culture in an Age of Apathy.
Basic Books, 1999

Jacoby, Russell. Picture Imperfect: Utopian Thought for an Anti-utopian Age.
Columbia University Press, 2007


Jagose, Annamarie. Lesbian Utopics. Routledge, 1994

Jameson, Frederic. Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions. Verso, 2007


Jameson, Fredric. The Ideologies of Theory: Essays 1971 - 1986. Vol 2 Syntax of History. University of Minnesota Press, 1988

Kautsky, Karl. Thomas More and His Utopia. International, 1927


Kirk, Andrew G. Counterculture Green: The Whole Earth Catalog and American Environmentalism. University Press of Kansas, 2007

Kolnai, Aurel. The Utopian Mind and Other Papers. Athlone Press, 1995


Kumar, Krishan. Utopianism. Open University Press, 1991

Le Guin, Ursula K. The Dispossessed. Granada, 1982


Mannheim, Karl. Ideology & Utopia. Routledge, 1968

Manuel, Frank E. The Prophets of Paris. Harper Tourchbooks, 1962


Manuel, Frank E. Utopias and Utopian Thought. Condor Books, 1965

Manuel, Frank E. And Manuel, Fritzie P. Utopian Thought in the Western World.

Free Press, 1966


Marin, Louis. Utopics: The Semiological Play of Textual Spaces. Humanity Books, 1984

Miller, Timothy. America’s Alternative Religions. State University of New York Press, 1995


Miller, Timothy. The Hippies and American Values. The University of Tennessee Press, 1991

More, Thomas. Utopia. Penguin Books, 2003


Morris, William. News from Nowhere: Or, an Epoch of Rest. Being Some Chapters from a Utopian Romance. Oxford World’s Classics, 2009

Moylan, Tom. Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian Imagination. Methuen, 1975


Mumford, Lewis. The Story of Utopias. BiblioBazaar, 2008

Parker, Martin. The Dictionary of Alternatives: Utopianism and Organization.
Zedbooks, 2007


Perkins Gilman, Charlotte. Herland. Dover Publications, 1999

Plato. The Republic. Penguin Books, 2007


Ricoeur, Paul. Lectures on Ideology and Utopia. Columbia University, 1986

Rose, R.B. Gracchus Babeuf: The First Revolutionary Communist.

Stanford University Press, 1978


Roszak, Theodore. The Making Of A Counter Culture: Reflections of the Technocratic Society and Its Youthful Opposition. Doubleday & Co, 1969

Scott, Felicity D. Architecture or Techno-utopia: Politics After Modernism. MIT Press, 2007


Ward, Colin. Utopia. Penguin Books, 1974

Wegner, Phillip E. Imaginary Communities: Utopia, the Nation and the Spatial Histories of Modernity. University of California Press, 2002


Wolfe, Tom. The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test.
Black Swan Books, 1989

WomanShare. Country Lesbians: The Story of the Womanshare Collective.
WomanShare Books, 1976


Zamyatin, Yevgeny. We. Penguin Twentieth Century Classics, 1993